New Found Love for Sustainable Fashion

8:55 PM

About two weeks ago, my friends just had to go on a random trip to Lapu Lapu City. We went to the famous (and recently opened) Korean food mart that also has a small space for snack dining.

On the same weekend, we decided to go on a thrift shop shopping spree where I spent 330 pesos for 7 pieces of clothing. I know. What a steal, right?

One of the pieces that I got from the haul is a blue green suede polo shirt that drapes down to my
thighs.  It was a long ass piece of shirt, I tell you. But mind you, it only costs me 20 pesos. It was such a bargain. And so, I decided to make the most out of what I had. I couldn't wear that long shirt since it does not fit my "aesthetic" - my "vibe". I went to a local tailor and asked if he could cut the clothing into two pieces, so that it could be like a coordinate of some sort.

I got the newly tailored clothes a week later, but then realized I gave him the wrong waist and hip measurements. (Curse this huge hips) But I couldn't let the entire thing be put to waste, and so instead of the other piece being a skirt, I made it into a buttoned-down tube top, which totally passed my vibe check. See photo above for reference.

Over-all the realization here is GO TO THRIFT STORES!!

Sorry for brain dumping. I'm just really happy of the outcome of my thrift store haul.

I've got a few more pieces of clothes I wanted to be altered so I'll probably be doing this again some time soon.


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