TBPC Episode 18: Life After Grief

12:47 AM

Apparently, it only takes one new mic for me to pull my podcasting self together, and start recording again.

My inconsistency will be my downfall, but nevertheless, I'd still continue to try and strive to push out content as much as my schedule would allow me to.

Episode 18 of That Bisaya Podcast Chick is an even more personal talk on how it's like to have loved and lost someone.

You think losing a lover only happens in movies, and would never happen to you in real life, until that very same life puts you through it. In this episode, I was able to candidly share how life has been for the past three years. Can there be life after grief? Or a better question might be is there life after grief? And if so, what is it like to be in there? What has life become after the things it - and by it, I mean, life - has thrown at you?

A quote that I saw from Button Poetry: "Grief is not a feeling, but a neighborhood. This is where I come from. Everyone that I love still lives there." This is worth 10 minutes of your time. Give it a listen. I swear you won't regret it :)

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