Clichés // Blank Thoughts

2:57 PM

I honestly do not know how and where to begin this another unnecessary "life update" post. Probably because I've become rusty from all the time I've spent studying my board exam subjects and wasting some of it by playing games on my phone. I browse through Instagram and all I could be is jealous - jealous of the people around me and how they seem to finally get their shit together while I'm at home sitting on a couch wondering when can I be able to break free from my comfort zone and start living my life. Like really live it.

I can't even remember how many times I've tried to start this blog, and I mean, really start it. Like be on it, post new stuffs, and just being incessantly on it for the most days. I guess, this will have to wait again. And it's not like I've got avid readers? But even so, if I want to be successful at this, I have to at least try. You see, I mostly speak to myself when I'm making new blog posts like this. All these things are just actually on my head being blurted out with mere randomness.

So a little life update, perhaps?

Okay, there's nothing much TO update because my life has been pretty stale for the first two months of 2017. I spend most of my days in two places - home and school. I know. Could my life be any more boring? (For FRIENDS fans out there, you know who I'm channeling with that line, right?) I'm not having a pretty tight schedule either. Although I said, I study but most of the time, I'm lethargic about anything and that's where I end up watching a movie or a tv series, or playing games. BUT, I've promised myself, now that it's the third month of the year and I could not afford to be lazy anymore, I'm going to be PRODUCTIVE. Ya hear that? PRODUCTIVE. No more lazying around. No more wasting time.

I hope you, guys, would still stick around and be with me and all my randomness. I'll try to bring in more interesting posts next time.

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